How to Make Time for Self-Care as A Single Mom

When you’re a single mother, you’re always running from one things to the next – work, school, extracurriculars, day care, friend’s houses, the grocery store… just listing off all of the responsibilities that moms have is enough to make anyone exhausted! When there’s only one of you and a million things to do, self-care is usually on the bottom of the list.

Although you’re only doing what you have to do for the sake of your family, it’s important to stop and remember what we are told every time we get on an airplane: you have to apply you own oxygen mask before you can take care of the person next to you. The same school of thought goes for self-care as a single mom.

If you let your self-care fall to the wayside, it’s only a matter of time until you get burnt out which can result in a short temper, exhaustion, and a decline in your overall well-being. When you take care of yourself, you can give more to others who rely on you. They say that you, “can’t pour from an empty cup!” In order to prevent your cup from running dry, you need some quality (and easy) tips for making time to take care of yourself.

Make time for your social health. 

Whether you can get out once a week or once a month, it’s important for your sanity and social health to spend time with other adults every now and again. And no, the adults at work don’t count! You have to prioritize you own social health as much as you prioritize that of your children.

Being social with people our own age allows us to foster much-needed connection that you might be missing as a single mom. It’s important for you to know that there are people out there who support you, understand you, and want to have fun with you every now and again.

  • Plan a ladies’ brunch once a month

  • Organize a playdate with friends that have kids so the mommies can “play” together, too

  • Take advantage of after-school activities and visit a friends before picking up the kids

  • Sign up for a class of your own to meet some new people

Make time for your physical health.

Being a busy single mom means the more convenient things are, the better. Getting to the gym or out of the house in general can seem difficult to downright impossible so sneaking exercise into your day at home is the way to go. Prioritizing your physical health will enable you to perform better while running from task to task, stay healthy for years to come, and look great doing it all. 

  • Download a free workout app (or two). Some excellent ones are 7 Minute Workout, Yoga for Beginners, and FitOn

  • Consider at-home workout equipment like a Peloton or the DB Method

  • Walk the neighborhood with the kids in tow. Whether they’re in the stroller, in a wagon, or you have to jog to keep up with them, you’ll get a little workout in.

  • Go for a jog during your lunch break (download Map My Run to track your progress)

  • Drink enough water – it’s recommended that women drink about 2.7 liters per day.

  • Make healthy eating a habit – HelloFresh is super helpful when you’re pressed for time.

  • Schedule your routine appointments ahead of time and mark them on your calendar right away (pap smear, dentist appointment, eye exam, etc) 

Prioritize financial health.

Taking care of your financial health means to plan for both the short and long term. As a single mom, it can be tough to look to the future when you’ve already got so much on your plate in the moment. But creating a financial plan, sticking to it, and planning for the future will save you a few headaches (and cash!) so you can fully enjoy life with your family. 

  • Identify ways to cut unnecessary expenses – check your monthly subscriptions services

  • Create a budget and stick to it

  • Pay yourself first by automatically having a portion of your paycheck go to savings

  • Invest in your family’s future by setting up savings accounts for your children sooner rather than later

  • Work to grow your assets – pay off debts, invest in your future, diversify your income with a side hustle

  • Financial trouble can be some of the hardest trouble to get out of. If you find yourself needing help, go to someone you trust before it’s too late.

Make time for your mental health.

While your social, physical, and financial health all contribute to your mental wellness, it’s important to take a moment (or a few) every day to slow down and heal your mind. When you have a calm and focused mind, you might realize that all of the other things have an easier time falling into place.

When you’re a busy single mom, self-care days might not be that feasible. The key to self-care as a single mom is to squeeze as many self-care moments into a day as you can and make it so easy that it just naturally becomes part of your everyday routine.

  • Take advantage of early mornings and squeeze in some Me Time before anyone wakes up so you can start your day with a clear head

  • Read a book during nap time

  • Listen to a podcast or audiobook during your commute

  • Utilize one-sentence or five-minute journaling techniques

  • Prioritize sleeping for eight hours (no matter how unrealistic it sounds)

  • Treat yourself to a spa treatment – even if you have to do it at home

Being a single mom can be overwhelming! Your to-do list is often a mile long and self-care usually finds itself all the way at the bottom. Prioritizing yourself is important because you can’t do it all if you’re running on empty, mama. If you need a little help with your to-do list so you can squeeze in self-care, don’t be afraid to ask for it. You work so hard and you deserve to make yourself a priority!

Do you have any self-care tips that you’d like to share with other busy single moms? Share them below!



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