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Overcoming Gender Bias with Confidence
Motherhood Latoya Baldwin Motherhood Latoya Baldwin

Overcoming Gender Bias with Confidence

My seven-year-old daughter loves superheroes and soccer and will choose to play the game over playing with dolls any day. These days little Miss Personality has lots of interests but subscribing to others' preconceived ideas of who she should be is not one of them. She is incredibly wise beyond her years, which she recently demonstrated when she called out a gender stereotype. We were on vacation when a stranger called her “little princess.” She quickly replied, “I don’t like being called that. It’s not empowering for girls.” As a parent, it was an eye-opening and proud moment for me!

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To My Strong-Willed Daughter
Motherhood Latoya Baldwin Motherhood Latoya Baldwin

To My Strong-Willed Daughter

Seven years ago, I welcomed you into the world. When I held you in my arms for the first time, my mind swirled with thoughts of who you would become. I was simultaneously so excited to watch this little girl grow up and wanting that moment to never, ever end. 

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The Importance of Having Mom Friends
Motherhood Latoya Baldwin Motherhood Latoya Baldwin

The Importance of Having Mom Friends

It doesn’t matter if you’re a brand new mommy, raising a teenager, or halfway through building your own army; it doesn’t matter if you’re a single parent, happily married, or co-parenting. Being a mom is HARD and without a proper support system, it can feel like your experiences are singular and you’ve got to find ways to tough it out. You’re a mom, right? That’s what we do!

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An Open Letter to Single Moms
Motherhood, Lifestyle Latoya Baldwin Motherhood, Lifestyle Latoya Baldwin

An Open Letter to Single Moms

I am writing this letter to let you know that the hard work you’re doing for your family does not go unnoticed. I see you, I understand you, and I am here for you. Being a single mom can often feel like you’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. There is so much pressure to perform well at home, at work, and smile through it all as if you’ve been doing this your whole life…

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Back to School Reading List – Children’s Books that Celebrate Diversity!
Motherhood Latoya Baldwin Motherhood Latoya Baldwin

Back to School Reading List – Children’s Books that Celebrate Diversity!

Although I’m having a tough time as the summer comes to an end, I know how important it is to make sure my daughter feels prepared, empowered, safe and loved as she gets ready for a new school year. I find it absolutely necessary for her new environment to be one of diversity and inclusion that is led by people who will teach self-love, empowerment, and determination. I try to instill these ideals in my daughter every single day and one way we love to learn is through reading!

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How to Make Time for Self-Care as A Single Mom
Motherhood Latoya Baldwin Motherhood Latoya Baldwin

How to Make Time for Self-Care as A Single Mom

When you’re a single mother, you’re always running from one things to the next – work, school, extracurriculars, day care, friend’s houses, the grocery store… just listing off all of the responsibilities that moms have is enough to make anyone exhausted! When there’s only one of you and a million things to do, self-care is usually on the bottom of the list…

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